Sunday, May 07, 2006

On Board Raslan-Al-Salah-Uhh-Lalah-50

No that is not a Sheikh, neither its my pet camel, its Flight RASUL -50 unabbreviated.

Read on...

Today was a very uneventful day, reason being I was hoping to get some hot chicks on my plane to ogle on and I held hard to my can of Vaseline… (yes I was carrying it in cabin… u don’t risk losing such an important stuff by having it in the check-in baggage, that and I don’t trust the baggage trolley operators in Dubai, you could probably get guns past them but any kind of lube and they tangent off to dnal xac (read R à L )… similar to axe-land but inhabited by female camels.)

My Math:

Empty Plane: 50 seats - one occupied by me = 49 Seats

Assuming 50% female ratio: 25 female passengers (Optimistic me)

Worst case scenario: 10 female passengers (Pessimistic me)

Females in the S-category (@10% of worst case projection) = 1 (I am happy)

A pat on the back …note to self: I would prove to be a great manager… I project numbers well.

Enter the Passengers….

The Plane is now Full of Sheiks, all 49 different variants of them… and none even discreetly resembling a woman (a she goat maybe but none definitely a woman). There were yellow ones, green ones, checked a la Arafat ones, white ones, black ones, and even ones in the color that I couldn’t even make if I mixed all the available colors in ms paint palette.

The Result:

I eat half a can of Vaseline, my analysis based on the data sample from the plane: Half the quantity of Vaseline that I am carrying would suffice a year and half in Dubai.

Recall a pat on the back… note to self: I need to concentrate on the real beautiful males in case I need action in Dubai, and Vaseline is much better than camel meat.

Am waiting for Raslan-Al-Salah-Uhh-Lalah to start some action…

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