The moving was not what was on the plates, it was what was on the plate that caused the moving.
My parents were embarrassed by the fact that their child had given a feedback so accurate that no mortal would be able to better it, even though many a people congratulated me on being so direct, my parents decided it was time to move on.
My action had only triggered the exodus of my family, the other reason as I was informed later was the actual one as I came to know, My uncle whose quarters we used to share had long before vacated the same to move to his own apartment in the happening western suburbs, the neighbor (a government servant himself) was involved in the department that tracks the empty houses and allots the same to the next officer in line for a home. Though the guy did not have a spine what he did have was “enough of shit” and my contribution to the existing pile triggered his defensive mechanism and he threatened my parents vacate the place.
So much for voicing your true opinion in a Gandhian nation.
So we moved, we did not have a home to own, we moved to my Grammys’ (Late maternal grandmother… lovingly referred to grammy) place, It was a swell house… again a government quarter but with good neighbors who were ever welcoming and never boasted about their culinary abilities. I guess they heard the story.
We changed sectors, moved from VII to V and close to a good area in Guru Teg Bahadur Nagar (aka GTB Nagar, Harbour line). It was here that I spent a major portion of childhood, and started off with my schooling (actually I was in school by the time we vacated sector VII, but the knowledge gained was not substantial in comparison with the ones that were parted with).
It was here at my grammys place that I was taught the values about respecting people, voicing unsolicited opinions and the likes, I was also given a crash course on gardening, I still know a trick or two about grafting and creating cross bred multi colored roses.
My grammy was the most influential person in my life, for she was the person who by her kindness touched me and made me see light. She would accept my lies knowingly and would wait for me to come and confess… which I eventually did. She was also pious and was the one who introduced me to praying.
Her contribution amounts for more than 30 % for the kind of person I am. I still miss her some days… as I do right now… she used to resolve all the conflicts that I used to have with my parents and make the wrong one see light, and I wasn’t always wrong.
With emotions running an all time high, its time to move on to the next phase of my life…
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